Tekna PlasmaSonic solutions : High enthalpy ground material testing facilities
Tekna PlasmaSonic solutions : High enthalpy ground material testing facilities
Hypersonic travel and space exploration will be the next fundamental steps in the evolution of humanity. However, to travel at hypersonic speed or for an object to reenter the atmosphere, we must overcome several challenges in engineering and physics. Materials must sustain high temperatures generated from the friction of gases, which can cause wear and tear of the spacecrafts’ heat shields.
Tekna PlasmaSonic product line, high enthalpy wind tunnel and integrated diagnostic solutions, simulates the wide range of extreme temperatures and pressures experienced by spacecrafts travelling in the stratosphere at over 5 times the speed of sound so you can replicate critical conditions such as heat flux, shear stress, and pressure on a vehicle’s body. Based on 30 years of experience, Tekna is your trusted partner to analyze your requirements and offer you the most appropriated technology to ensure accurate simulation of your environment.