Sustainable growth
“As Tekna continues to develop and grow, it is further integrating ESG focus into its global business activities.
This is important for Tekna’s current and future customers, its employees, its owners and society at large.
By embracing a culture of sound ESG practices, Tekna is investing in its future and that of humankind”
Luc Dionne, CEOApart from an innate Canadian belief to preserve the environment, Tekna also firmly believes climate change will damage economies, devastate populations, increase resource scarcity and dramatically impact the cost of doing business. The Group is dedicated to enable the green transition by means of its sustainable and resource efficient plasma technologies:
Environment: the Group aspires to actively contribute to the implementation of solutions (eg. adoption of Additive Manufacturing) with its customers supporting the circular and resource efficient concepts. This will reduce the environmental impact of the value chains it operates in. Tekna's focus on resource efficient production allows it to reduce its production cost and contributes to securing and improving its market positions.
Social: the Group believes in the strength of diversity . As a high-tech company it is driven to keep and attract exceptional talent to drive innovations. Furthermore, the Group has a continued focus on the health, safety and well-being of its employees, considered to be critical to the Group's ongoing operations.
Governance: the Group believes only businesses with fair, clean and transparent business practices can succeed in the long-term.
As part of our open and predictable communication with the financial markets, our financial reports, presentations, rating opinions and other key information are available for download. New resources are marked in red.
Sustainability reports
In this section you find Environment, Social and Governance reports.
Governance documents
In this section you find governance documents that are in place at Tekna. Only the most recent version of documents will be available. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or improvements you would like to suggest.
In this section you find policies that are in place at Tekna. Only the most recent version of documents will be available. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or improvements you would like to suggest.
Member of United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)
The United Nations Global Compact is a voluntary initiative based on the CEO's commitment to implement universal sustainability principles and to take steps to support UN goals. The 10 universal principles seek to improve on: Human Rights, Labour, Environment, Anti-corruption. Tekna joined the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) in January 2022.
At Tekna we are very driven to make significant improvements on our own. However, we also believe that taking a shared approach will get us even further. This is what our commitment to the UN Global Compact’s sustainability principles is about.
“Tekna has embarked upon the ESG reporting journey back in 2019 and we are ready to commit, as a signatory of the UN Global Compact, to doing business responsibly, by aligning our strategies and operations with the ten principles of the UNGC. We will also take actions to advance broader societal goals, such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We have selected the three SDGs where we believe our technology can make the strongest contribution,” says Luc Dionne, CEO of Tekna.
Tekna will contribute to the following SDGs:
💚 SDG 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all > Tekna developed a cost-efficient process to produce silicon nano powders that are used in the manufacturing of Lithium-ion batteries (LiB) and improves its characteristics.
💚 SDG 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation > Tekna (producer of manufacturing powders) has a direct contribution by promoting the development and adoption of Additive Manufacturing which has many benefits compared to traditional manufacturing technologies.
💚 SDG 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns > Tekna's inhouse developed manufacturing processes are low emission, resource efficient (eg closed-loop gas and water), green (hydro) powered systems.
Global compact reporting can be found here (in future):
Ask us about sustainability
Tekna is committed to continuously improving the way we address environmental, social and governance issues. If you have any inquiries related to sustainability, do not hesitate to contact us. For compliance and whistleblowing please use our independent online reporting system.
Questions in relation to the Norwegian Transparency act
Information requests should be submitted in writing by email or letter, see also the published routine for how Tekna handles requests. To ensure proper handling, email should be addressed to; letters should be sent to the group headquarters in Canada: Tekna Plasma Systems, to attention of ESG department, 2935 Boulevard Industriel, Sherbrooke, Québec, J1L 2T9 Canada.
Please contact VP Corporate Strategic Development and Innovation: Arina van Oost via or +33 6 7011 5190.